Videos on Clinical Examination: II
In this section, common examination techniques are shown as short films using the window media player. Please use broadband connection for quick downloading. Any comments please e-mail to chuaoxford@hotmail.com
Orbit examination and related topics
Orbit examination (basic)   File size: 2.9MB
A popular clinical examination. The majority of cases relate to thyroid eye disease.
Special thanks to Mr. Q. Mohammed MRCOphth and Dr. E. Jones MRCP for the demonstration.

Thyroid status examination  File size: 2.2MB
This request usually follows orbit examination of a patient with thyroid eye disease. The aim is to look for signs of hyperthyroidism and less commonly hypothyroidism. 
Special thanks to Mr. Q. Mohammed MRCOphth and Dr. E. Jones MRCP for the demonstration.

Eyelid examination and related topics
Ptosis examination (basic examination)   File size: 2.6MB
Begin with observation. Measure the palpebral fissure, MRD (margin reflex distance), the skin crease, levator function (by stabilizing the frontalis), Bell's phenomenon and corneal sensation.
Special thanks to Mr. N.Glover MRCOphth for the demonstration.

Abnormal eyelid position   File size:2.5MB
Four patients with eyelid malposition are shown.

Three cases of ptosis   File size: 3.5MB
Three patients with ptosis: congenital ptosis, Marcus Gunn jaw-winking ptosis and myotonic dystrophy.

Pupil examination and abnormalities
Pupil examination (basic examination)   File size: 1.5MB
Begin with observation followed by direct and consensual light test. Perform the swinging light test to look for relative afferent pupillary defect. Complete the examination with accommodation test.
Special thanks to Miss L.W. Voon FRCS for the demonstration.

Pupil examination (abnormal pupil reaction)   File size: 1.7MB
In this video, a left RAPD, a traumatic right third nerve palsy and a patient with Parinaud's syndrome (with light-near dissociation, the patient also has problem with convergence) are shown.

Examination of an enucleated socket   File size: 2.2 MB
Examination of a patient with post-enucleation socket syndrome.

Examination of rheumatoid hands   File size: 1.9MB
This examination usually follows slit-lamp examination in a patient with cornea sign of rheumatoid arthritis. In the examination, find out if the patient can perform common hand functions such as writing, unscrewing bottles and unbuttoning shirt.

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