Greek Ophthalmology
Greece (1979)
Greece (1996)

The Corpus Hippocraticum was written by Hippocrates and some his followers. There are althogether about 
200 descriptions and remedies for eye diseases. Some of the interpretations of ocular signs are obviously 
false but some appear to describe diseases which have been re-discovered in the modern age such as 
Behcet's disease.

The following descriptions appear to refer to Behcet's disease taken from the section  Of The Epidemics, 
Book I, Section III.
'7. But there were also other fevers, as will be described. Many had their mouths affected with aphthous ulcerations. 
    There were also many defluxions about the genital parts, and ulcerations, boils (phymata), externally and internally, 
    about the groins. Watery ophthalmies of a chronic character, with pains; fungous excrescences of the eyelids, 
    externally and internally, called fig, which destroyed the sight of many persons. There were fungous growths, in 
    many other instances, on ulcers, especially on those seated on the genital organs. There were many attacks of 
    carbuncle (anthrax) through the summer, and other affections, which are called “the putrefaction” (seps); also large 
    ecthymata, and large tetters (herpetes) in many instances.'

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