Ancient Ophthlamology
East Germany (1981) Part of the Ebers Papyrus from Leipzig University.

Egypt (1971) WHO's World Health Day. A part of Ebers Papyrus 
                        discussing diabetes is shown.

The medical knowledge of ancient Egypt is preserved in papyri written in hieroglyphs.There are 
several such papyri and they are all named after the Egyptologists who discovered them. The
most famous is the Ebers Papyrus discovered in Luxor. It is the largest and the most complete 
papyrus. It is a roll 20 m long and 30 cm high; the text is distributed in 108 columns of 20 to 22 
lines each. It contains 877 recipes concerning a great variety of diseases or symptoms. There 
are over 30 entries related to ophthalmology.
Examples of the ophthalmic treatment include trichiasis “Another, not to let a hair grow into 
the eye after it has been pulled out: Terebinth resin … It can not grow again”; and  night 
blindness ' poor sight at night cured with crushed ox liver'.

The Ebers papyrus is stored in the library of Leipzig Unviersity. 

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