Station 1
(5 minutes allowed)
The following are the results of the retinoscopy on a 20 year-old man using 
a streak retinoscope. (assuming a working distance of 2/3 metre)
  • OD With the streak in the vertical meridian and sweep horizontally, the retina

  •        reflex is neutralized with +0.50D.
           With the streak in the horizontal meridian and sweep vertically, the retina
           reflex is neutralized with -1.00D.
  • OS  With the streak orientated at 30o and sweep at 120o, the retina reflex

  •        is neutralized with +1.00D
           With the streak orientated at 120o and sweep at 30o, the retina reflex
            is neturalized with -0.50D

    a. Draw the power cross (taking into account the working distance). 

    b. Write down the glasses prescription for this patient (using negative cylinder).

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