VIII Disorders of the optic disc and visual pathway
Essential topics/experience:
To have become familiar with the following:

i. Swollen optic disc: differential diagnosis, recognition and evaluation of papilloedema,
ischaemic optic neuropathy (arteritic and non-arteritic), acute optic neuritis and congenital optic disc anomalies.

ii. The atrophic optic disc: recognition and differential diagnosis; clinical evaluation of optic
nerve function.

iii. Visual pathway disorders: identification of site and nature of lesion from history,
examination and investigations; transient ischaemic attacks.

iv. Liaison: with neurologists, neurosurgeons, endocrinologists and vascular surgeons.

Practical skills:
To have undertaken (under supervision until proficient) the following:

i. Goldmann visual fields.

ii. Examination of the cranial nerves.

iii. Temporal artery biopsy.

Background theory/principles:
To have gained an awareness of the following:

i. Benign intracranial hypertension.

ii. Compressive optic neuropathy.

iii. Optic nerve glioma.

iv. Chiasmal lesions.

v. Visual evoked responses.

vi. Neuro-imaging including CT, MRI and carotid doppler.

vii. Carotid endarterectomy.

viii. Multiple sclerosis and its ophthalmic manifestations.

ix. Higher cortical dysfunction, including the visual agnosias.

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