Candidate 37
Date: February, 2005
Centre: Dundee
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I was giving the part 2 for the second time and was a bit nervous, But I must say all examiners were very nice and even at times helping us 'see' the mistakes that we were making. 

Station 1 
Direct ophthalmolscopy ; Myopic patient with glasses , started with the routine of direct ophthamoscopy but was asked immediately to look in the supero temporal quadarant ..could see confluent cryo marks.asked what they could be for ...answered about possible retinal tear. was asked about  magnification of DO. 

Station 2 
indirect Ophtalmoscopy :  Vitreous hemorrhage .could barely see the disc .asked wether I could look in the other eye for a possible etiology.. other eye had a disciform scar  asked questions about magnification of lenses used . I think they had deliberately kept a 28D to see which one we picked up! 

Station 3 
keratometry . sstraightforward case with equal K readings! asked about the keratometers I knew .Von helmholtz , javal Schiotz and automated ,asked principle of each ofthese and the differences. 

Station 4 
Focimetry  Antique piece which I took time to understand but got through with reading distance correction of one glass. Was asked about principle only. 

Station 5 
Slit lamp. Old lady with bandages atound her arms and a neck collar. asked for positive findings , Examiner expected Pseudophakia to be answered and, was much relieved to hear it from me.asked to demonstrate calibration of tonometer and the various filters in the slit lamp. 

station 6
Visual fields. Myopic lady with constricted visual fields.I goofed here and found an asymmetric  visual field defect unlike any known pattern.asked DD . said it could be retina or post chiasmatic . examiner gave me a queer smile and led me out of the station. 

Station 7
Pupils. RAPD , asked caused. M.S, CRVO large R.D  asked about pupillary pathway and chemical tests for Adies and Horners pupil. later lernt that the patient had streptococal orbital cellulitis with optic nerve affection in his childhood. 

Station 8 
Motility. This was the clincher. young lady with glasses with Xo tropia more at distance than near asked for a cover test and then motlity. Could elicit restriction of medial rectus with slight  enophthalmos but no palpebral fissure narrowing asked to predict ocular history knowing this and looking at the glasses.(Hypermetropic) Said about possible overcorrection of esotropia with MR recession hence the consecutive squint Xotropia. 

Young Myope  O couldn'.t believe my luck, but there he was the ideal refraction case . finished within time and confirmed correction with duochrome monocularly and binocularly for red better. 

P.S I prepared for all staions with a set format of examinations and questionnare and adhered to it . In the OSCEs I made sure the instruments were turned to the '0' position before i got started and I made sure that if the patient wore glasses I had a good look at the glasses! 


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