Usher, Charles Howard (1865 - 1942)

Usher's syndrome

It is the association of retinitis pigmentosa and congenital deafness.

Type I = profound neurosensory deafness and absent vestibular function

Type II = less profound deafness, intact vestibular function and visual symptoms tend to occur later

Currciculum Vitae


Scottish ophthalmologist
Cambridge University and St. Thomas's Hospital, London (medical qualification in 1891)
House surgeon to Edward Nettleship
FRCS (Edinburgh) 1894
Consultant ophthalmologist in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary and Royal Aberdeen Hospital for Sick Children
Retired 1926
Usher CH (1914) On the inheritance of retinitis pigmentosa, with notes of cases. R Lond Ophthalmol Hosp Rep 19:130
Usher CH (1935) Bowman lecture: On a few hereditary eye affection. Trans Ophthlamol Soc UK 55: 164
Usher CH & Nettleship E: Albinism in Man
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