Test 2
6. The eyelids:
a.  mainly protect the globe from injury by use of lashes and gland 

b. assist distribution of tears and their exit into canaliculi laterally 

c. have more cilia on the upper lid 

d. have squared edges at the lateral 5/6 and rounded edges at the 
    medial 1/6 

e. are divided into superior and inferior palpebral sulci by the 
    insertions of the periocular muscles 

7. The eyelids:
a. contain 4 different types of secretory glands 

b. grow cilia that have the orifices of the Meibomian glands opening 
    into their follicles 

c.  have a surgically useful anatomical landmark known as the grey 

d. grow cilia that do not possess erector pili muscles 

e.  meet at the medial canthus, which is the site of the papilla 

f. are supplied by the medial palpebral arteries that form anterior to 
   the lacrimal sac 

g. are supplied by the facial nerve 


8. Levator Palpebrae Superioris:
a. takes its origin from the greater wing of the sphenoid and above 
    and in front of the optic canal 

b. has an aponeurosis that descends anterior to the orbital septum 
    and pierces it to attach to the posterior surface of the tarsal plate 

c. has a smooth muscle component supplied by sympathetic fibres 
    from thesuperior cervical ganglion 

d. has dual innervation 

e. is closely related to the ipsilateral superior rectus, being enclosed 
   in a common sheath 


9. With respect to blinking and winking:
a. the reflex arc of tactile blinking has as its afferent nerve the 
    ophthalmic division of the trigeminal 

b.lids have a zip-like motion from medial to lateral 

c. the reflex arc of visual blinking has as its efferent, the oculomotor 

d. it is easier to wink your left eye if you are right hand dominant 

e. blepharospasm can occur, and when marked is known as 


10.  The cornea, viewed macroscopically:
a. has a radius of curvature greater than the rest of the globe 

b. is only elliptical in shape on its anterior surface 

c. is thickest at its centre 

d. forms the anterior 1/8 of the globe 

e. joins the sclera 5.5mm from the medial rectus insertion 

f. joins the sclera 6.5mm from the inferior rectus insertion 

g. joins the sclera 5.5mm from the lateral rectus insertion 

To test 3
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