Differential Diagnosis  
Common Signs in Neurology  
  • upper motor neurone signs 
  • cerebellar signs

In the clinical examination, the neurological examination usually centres around the upper and the lower limbs. The commonest physical signs are upper motor neurone lesions and cerebellar signs mainly because these are commonly associated with ocular signs, for example visual field defect in upper motor neurone lesions and ocular motility disorders in the cerebellar lesions.

Upper motor neurone lesions
(The signs are:

      as hemiplegia (usually caused by cerebral lesion) is commoner than spastic paresis (indicative of spinal cord lesion) in the clinical examination the differential diagnosis below is for hemiplegia)



Cerebellar signs
(The most likely cause in the examination is multiple sclerosis. The signs are best remembered with the mnemonic HANDS Tremors

Congenital Acquired