Candidate 71
Date:  June 2007
Centre: Edmund St. Bury
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DAY 1 :

First of all was the OSE ,it was pretty routine,if you have done the OSE examples from the website then it should be no problem.

Station 1

Diagram of a galilean telescope

Station 2

Corneal topography of with the rule astigmatism

Station 3

Spectacle to CL conversion numerical

Station 4

IOL power numerical

Station 5

Hess chart

Station 6

Photo of IOL telescope device and its uses

I cant remember the rest

Then was the MCQ paper. Just go over ELKINGTON and do all the MCQs on the website.

DAY 2:
There were 2 examiners in each room and 2 stations

Station 1

Pupils ,it was a horners.i was asked about the pharmocological tests

Station 2

Ocular motility.i didnt know what was going on! it was some kind of vertical the end the examiner asked me what i would like to do next and i said Parks 3 step test.Thankfully i wasnt asked to perform it.

Station 3

It was J-S keratometer .i was asked the principles

Station 4

Focimetry ,asked to fine the power of a spherocylindrical lens ,and also a prism.i was asked the principles.these stations went very well and the examiners seemed pleased.

Station 5

Slit lamp, it was a corneal opacity and blepharitis.i was asked about the filters.

Station 6

Visual fields , it was a Left inferior quadrantopia.i was asked about the site of the lesion

Station 7

Direct Ophthalmoscopy, in the right eye I couldn't see a thing! tried everything,then the examiner asked me to look at the left fundus, and Icould see a tilted disc. Then there was an extensive viva on the instrument, all the uses of the filters etc.

Station 8

Indirect ophthalmoscopy, 360 degree lasermarks.I was asked about the 20D and 28D lenses.

The examiners were generally nice and supportive.They want you to give a running comentary about each step you are doing.All i can say is practise alot!


I had a lovely and very cooperative 27 yr old high myope. Whenever I started to ask her if she was ok etc she kept saying just finish and don't waste time. I did the ret and the subjective and finished in the given time. I even managed to remember to measure the back vertex distance. The examiners were nice and quietly observed what I was doing. They helped me with the Snellen charts and managed it themselves. Overall just try to finish the refraction in the given time, the ret is very important and it must correlate with the final refraction. Just be comfortable with your refraction method and don't change it at the last time. It is wise to spend some time with an optician as they give you great tips.

Best of luck everyone!

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