Candidate 13     Passed                                                      Centre: Newcastle
                                                                                                    Date: Nov., 2001

Questions on Optics(Lot on instruments; No formulae),Orthoptics and clinical Ophthalmology. I did 240


1. Vision chart        5 names given
  • Sheriden Gardner 
  • Preferential looking 
  • Cardiff 
  • Kay 
  • Funny name i havent heard
    •        Select the most appropriate vision chart for child of age 
             4years and 3 months
2. Tonometer head  : What is this?
                                 Draw a diagram illustrating its principles?
3. HFT chart ; What is this?
                    What does it show?
                    Where is the lesion?
It showed bitemporal hemianopia, denser inferiorily; Optic chiasma lesion. Igave three DD
4. Two charts of VEP: what investigation is this?
                               Describe how this is performed?
                               Arden indices were highlighted      Tracing 1 -244%
                                                                                 Tracing 2-218%
Was asked to comment on these
5. CT scan - Axial and coronal views
What investigation is this?
Some said it was MR stir image. I said CT scan. It showed enlarged
EOM both eyes mainly inferiorily.
6. Hess chart  : It showed R lateral rectus palsy.
       What is this investigation?
       What does it show?
       Briefly outline the principles?
7. USS Ascan and B scan
      What is this ?
      What does it show?
      It was a dome shaped elevated lesion posteriorily with few fine 
      opacities in the suprachoroidal space + in anterior vitreous.
      I said probably choroidal effusion + vitreous hemorrhage.
8. FFA    : What is this?
                 What does it show?
                  I think it was CSR. I cant remember.
Most of the Examiners  were friendly and did try to help us. Two of them were not very helpful. They mainly wanted to see if we were familiar with the common examination techniques.

1 ) R horners + L mild RAPD.
     All 4 of us who examined missed the Horners. It was not at all obvious. We 
     were asked questions on pharmacological tests and DD on dilated pupil.
2 ) Slit lamp : Both eyes showed Krukenberg spindle + iris transillumination defects
     asked to describe 
      Demonstrate Retro illumination and Specular reflection
      Demonstrate tonometer calibration
3) Fields: Goldman 
    I was asked uses  and advantages
    others were asked to demonstrate how to use it
    I was asked to demonstrate confrontration fields; patient had red desaturation;  
    bitemporal hemianopia
    I was then showed two fields 1) central scotoma
                                                2) Inferior quadrantopia
    I was asked site and DD 
4) Five year old child with ptosis and defective elevation .
     I was asked to do
                           1) Ptosis examination (Asked not to do the measurements )
                           3)cover test
            Child had Marcus Gunn 
5 ) Indirect:  Macular hole
6) Direct Ophthalmoscope ; Naevus in the supronasal quadrant
    questions on magnification of instrument,field and magnification in Myopia and 
    HM,Power in Aphakic eye
7) Keratometry : Javal - Schiotz
    asked principles and to do measurements on one eye.

8) Focimeter: Bifocals: Asked to measure the powerof L eye and transpose it
    It was a very old focimeter. Most of the dials were very dodgy. The glasses had a 

I got  a 52 year old  staff nurse who was very cooperative ; which is very helpful when trying to do the subjective .

        +5.00/ +1.00  axis 75   (6/5)                         +4.75/ +0.75 axis-forgot  (6/5)

         Near add  + 1.5 

    As I had time did Maddox rod;  8 prism dioptre esophoria

                                                 3 prism dioptre base up R eye
More experience