Test 6
1. True statements about the lens effectivity include:
a. it is equivalent to the back vertex power 

b. it is affected the index of refraction of the lens material 

c. in a hypermetropic patient wearing weak plus lenses, the effective 
    power of the lens can be increased by moving the lens forward 

d. a patient who is fully corrected with -10.00D spectacles at a vertex 
    distance of 10 mm can be corrected a -9.00 D soft contact lens 

e. a patient who is fully corrected with -10.00 D spectacles at a 
    vertex distance of 10 mm will need a -15..00 D lens if the 
    spectacles are now moved to 20 mm away from the eye.

2. The following are true when a patient changes from spectacle to contact

a. more accommodation is required when a myope changes from 
    spectacle to contact lenses 

b. less accommodation is required when a hypermetrope changes from 
    spectacles to contact lenses 

c. a myope with esophoria at near will experienced increased esophoria 
    when changes from spectacles to contact lens 

d. a myope requires more fusional convergence when using spectacle 
    than using contact lenses 

e. contact lenses are better than spectacles for presbyopic myopia


3. The following are true about indirect ophthalmoscopy:

a. the aerial image of the retina is formed between the subject's eye and 
    the condensing lens 

b. the aerial image of the retina is an inverted real image 

c. in an emmetrope, a 30D condensing lens produces a larger retinal 
    images than a 20D lens 

d. in an emmetrope, a 30D condensing lens gives a larger visual field 
    than a 20D lens 

e. for a given condensing lens, the aerial image of a hypermetropic retina 
    is larger than a myope.


4. The following are true about ophthalmoscope:

a. the image is laterally transposed with the indirect ophthalmoscope 

b. the teaching mirror on the indirect ophthalmoscope works on the 
    principles of total internal reflection 

c. the magnification of the retina with the direct ophthalmsscope is about 

d. refractive error has a more significant effect with the direct 

e. the field of view is larger with he indirect ophthalmoscope


5. With regard to Bagolini's glasses:

a. the test is only useful for adult 

b. contain two lenses one with striation set at 90 degrees and the other 
    at 180 degrees 

c. amblyopia in one eye always result in perception of only one line 

d. a cross is only seen in subjects with binocular single vision 

e. can be used to test the presence of abnormal retinal correspondence 
    when combined with cover / uncover testing

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