Test 5
1. The following are true about magnifying glasses:
a. the angular magnification of a hand-held magnifier with a power 
    of +20.00D is 5 X 

b. Fixed stand magnifiers are designed to be used with a reading add 

c. according to Kestenbaum's rule, a low vision patient with a Snellen 
    acuity of 6/36 will required +6.00D add for reading 

d. the visual field is increased by increasing the lens-eye position 

e. the hand-held magnifier is normally placed 25 cm from the object.

2. The following diseases are associated with myopia:

a. Stargardt's disease 

b. Stickler's syndrome 

c. juvenile retinoschisis 

d. Marfan's syndrome 

e. congenital glaucoma

3. The range of stereoscopic vision as measured by the following tests
      are true:

a. 3000 to 60 seconds of arc with the Frisby's test 

b. 3000 to 40 seconds of arc with the Titmus test 

c. 480 to 15 seconds of arc with the TNO test 

d. 1200 to 600 seconds of arc with the Lang stereostest 

e. 3000 to 15 seconds with the synotophore

4. With regard to the visual field:

a. lead poisoning causes cecocentral scotoma 

b. tobacco amblyopia typically produces central scotoma 

c. optic disc pit causes arcuate scotoma 

d. retinoschisis causes binasal hemianopia 

e. optic neuritis can cause homonymous hemianopia

5. True statements about ametropia include:

a. myopia is commoner among school children than pre-school children 

b. the incidence of hypermetrope increases with age 

c. the antero-posterior diameter of the eye ball is increased in axial 

d. in refractive hypermetrope the refractive power of the eye is too 

e. a hypermetropic patient is unable to focus on as a near a point as 
    a myopic patient

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