Test 15
1. In colour vision testing:
a. the illumination should be equivalent to the morning daylight in
   northern hemisphere

b. Farnsworth-Munsell hue 100 test uses 84 coloured discs

c. the discs of Farnsworth-Munsell hue 100 tests have the same
    brightness and saturation.

d. D-15 is a modified Farnsworth-Munsell (FM) hue 100

e. Ishihara is most useful for picking up congenital red-green defect

2. Indocyanine green:
a. is a fluorescent substance

b. absorbs light with a wavelength of 805 nm

c. emits infrared light

d. is absorbed by the retinal pigment epithelium.

e. leaks out of the choroidal circulation readily.


3. The following are true about light:
a. visible light has a wavelength between 400 to 780nm

b. colour of an object is determined by the wavelength
    absorbed by its surface.

c. red colour has a longer wavelength than green colour

d. things appear more blue to aphakic than phakic patient

e. blue filter is useful in filtering harmful light to human eye.


4. The following are true about visual testing in children:
a. Catford drum usually over-estimates the visual acuity..

b. STYCAR rolling ball test relies on the observation of
     the subject's pursuit movement.

c. Cardiff cards uses preferential looking.

d. Kay's picture tests may be used by children 2 years of age

e. five different letters are used in Sheridan-Gardiner test

5. Myopic shift occurs with:
a. nuclear sclerosis

b. anterior movement of the lens or implant

c. flattening of the corneal surface

d. use of cycloplegic

e. use of pilocarpine.

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