Past MRCOphth/MRCS questions
1. Wilson's disease:
a. autosomal dominant
b. cavitation and neuronal loss in putamen and globus 
c. low ceruloplasmin
d. Kayser-Fleischer ring persists despite treatment
e. Kayser-Fleischer ring is due to deposition of copper in 
    Descemet membrane

2. Retinoblastoma:

a. is the commonest intraocular tumour of infancy and 
b. constitute about 10% of childhood malignancies
c. the diffuse infiltrating type usually affects girls
d. perivascular mantles of surviving cells enclosed by 
    white necrotic tissue is pathognomonic
e. Flexner-Wintersteiner rosette is a pathological feature.

3. Homocystinuria:

a. is associated with retinal detachment
b. increase blood methionine level
c. X-linked recessive
d. associated with lens subluxation
e. risks of thrombosis under general anaesthesia

4. Neurofibromatosis is associated with:

a. bilateral glaucoma
b. Lisch nodules
c. pulsating exophthalmos
d. S-shaped nodule
e. cafe-au-lait spots

5. Mooren's ulcer:

a. better prognosis if less than 40 years old
b. is painful
c. most rapid growth centrally
d. conjunctival resection occasionally useful
e. 2-5% bilateral

6. Superior oblique palsy commonly associated with:

a. a blow on the vertex
b. congenital malformation
c. medial orbital wall fracture
d. myokymia
e. internal hydrocephalus

7. Coloboma of the choroid and retina:

a. is usually autosomal recessive
b. is associated with retinal detachment
c. is usually inferotemporal
d. does not involve the macula
e. causes autofluorescein
8. Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid:
a. causes intra-epithelial bullae
b. has antibodies to basement membrane
c. is autosomal recessive
d. dry eye is an early presentation
e. steroid alone is ineffective

9. Acanthoamoeba keratitis can be confirmed by:

a. Grams stain
b. Giemsa stain
c. non-nutrient agar overlaid by E.coli
d. indirect immunofluorescent antibody stain
e. Saboraoud's agar

10. Blow-out fracture is associated with:

a. decrease elevation
b. decrease depression
c. decrease abduction and adduction
d. enophthalmos
e. lateral canthus displaced downwards.
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