Cornea MCQs

1. The following specimen is taken from a patient who has bilateral abnormal corneal
    appearance. Similar corneal changes are also seen in some of his relatives. True 
    statements include:

a. this is an autosomal recessive condition
b. glaucoma occurs in 50% of the cases
c. corneal decompensation is common by 40 years of age
d. the slit-lamp examination may be similar to figure1 (below)
e. the electron microscopy may show changes similar to figure 2 (see below)

Figure 1

Figure 2

2. The following corneal appearance belongs to a patient who had had blunt ocular 

a. it is commoner in secondary hyphaema than primary hyphaema
b. high intraocular pressure favors this appearance
c. histology will reveals red blood cells in the stroma
d. clearing of the opacity usually begins in the periphery
e. visual disturbance is usually minimal

3. With regard to the following condition:

a. the Bowman's layer is seldom involved.
b. there are three components (ie. a head, cap and body) to this tissue.
c. the whole abnormal structure is adherent to the corneal surface.
d. it is commoner in white than black population.
e. the following corneal topography may be taken from a patient with this

4. The following corneal topography is taken from a patient with bilateral poor vision:

a. there is inferior thinning of the cornea
b. against the rule astigmatism is common 
c. iron deposition on the cornea is rare 
d. corneal neovascularization is a common complication.
e. acute hydrop secondary to Descemet's membrane break can occur


 5. True statements about the following corneal appearance include:

a. endothelial count is reduced
b. topical steroid is contraindicated in this condition
c. associated with sudden onset hearing loss
d. can occur after tick bite
e. corneal biopsy is useful for diagnosis


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