This is the renal angiography of a middle-aged man 
with retinal vasculitis and renal failure.

a. What does the picture show?

b. What is the underlying condition?

c. What other systemic conditions may be present?

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This is the renal angiography of a middle-aged man with retinal 
vasculitis and renal failure.

a. What does the picture show?

This is the right renal angiogram showing multiple aneurysms of the
renal arteries.

b. What is the underlying condition?

Polyarteritis nodosa.

In this condition, there is intense inflammation with fibrinoid necrosis 
of the small and medium size arteries leading to multiple aneurysms 

Ocular manifestation occurs in about 15% of the patients with scleritis, peripharal corneal ulceration, papilloedema, branch retinal vein or artery occlusion, retinal vasculitis.

The diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa is based on histopathological 
changes in the biopsy material and the presence of microanuerysms in 
renal, hepatic or mesenteric angiography.

c. What other systemic conditions may be present?

  • Kidney - renal failure, hypertension or nephrotic syndrome
  • Heart - angina and myocardial infarction
  • Gastrointestinal tract - bowel infarction
  • Joints - arthalgia and arthritis
  • Nervous system - polyneuropathy



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