Visual Field Examination
Before checking for the presence of visual field defect, make sure that the patients can see the target that you use to test the visual field. Otherwise, you may be wasting valuable time on a blind eye. While testing the field always begin with the peripheral field before moving to the central field. If there were a peripheral field defect check if it obeys the midline. In the absence of a peripheral field defect, the most likely case in the examination is a central scotoma, demonstrate this with a red pin. If you do not find any field defects, the patient may have an early bitemporal hemianopia which only becomes obvious if you compare the temporal and nasal field with a red object (the red object on the temporal will be less bright).
          Common visual field defects
        • homonymous hemianopia /  quadrantanopia
        • bitemporal hemianopia
        • central scotoma

        • Less common cases

        • junctional scotoma
        • arcuate scotoma
        • tunnel vision
        • altitudinal field defect
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