Test 44    (pharmacology)
1. The following are true with regard to lignocaine:
a. it lowers the threshold of patients for convulsion

b. it can augment bradycardia by augmenting vagal tone

c. it may cause hypotension

d. it slows the heart by producing beta-adrenoceptor blockade

e. it is effective in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias

2. With regard to gentamicin:

a. it is metabolized and excreted mainly by the liver

b. it is well absorbed by the small intestine

c. it can produce permanent vestibular nerve damage

d. it is toxic to the retina

e. topical application is associated with punctate keratitis

3. The following give rise to non-depolarising blockade of the neuromuscular 
     junction during anaesthesia:

a. succinylcholine

b. physostigmine

c. pancuronium

d. tubocurarine

e. atropine

4. The following are true with regard to drug metabolism:

a. lipid-soluble beta-antagonists cause bad dreams more often 
    than water-soluble beta-antagonists

b. a highly plasma protein bound drugs have a very large 
    volume of distribution

c. hepatic drug metabolism often involves conversion of a 
    water-soluble into a more lipid-soluble drug

d. gastrointestinal absorption of lipid soluble drugs occurs 
    more readily than water soluble drugs

e. renal failure significantly increases the plasma 
    protein binding of drugs

5. The administration of histamine in man can produce:

a. bronchodilatation

b. increased gastric acid secretion

c. vasodilation

d. negative chronotropic action

e. reduced secretion of intrinsic factors


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