Test 21 (general physiology)
1. Red blood cells:
a. measured 15 um in diameter

b. do not contain mitochondria

c. have a life span of 120 days in the circulation

d. are released from the bone marrow as mature erythrocytes

e. express HLA class II antigens on the cell surface


2. The following are true about the ABO and rhesus (Rh) system:
a. a person of group O is a universal donor

b. a person who is group AB has anti-A and anti-B antibodies

c. the presence of the D antigen means that the subject is Rh positive

d. rhesus antibodies occur naturally

e. the second rhesus positive baby of a Rh negative mother is at a greater risk 
    than the first


3. The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the right with:

a. polycythaemia

b. pyrexia

c. respiratory acidosis

d. sickle cell anaemia

e. decreased concentration of 2,3-DPG in the erythrocytes.


4. The intracranial pressure is decreased by:
a. intravenous mannitol

b. placing the patient in a head-up position

c. hyperventilation

d. a rise in the arterial pCO2

e. the administration of sodium nitroprusside


5. Dilatation of the peripheral arterial blood vessels can be caused by:
a. thromboxane A2

b. adenosine diphosphate

c. endothelin

d. prostaglandins

e. nitric oxide.

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