Test 6 (anatomy of head and neck)
1. The following are true about the parasympathetic fibres:
a. they originate from Edinger-Westphal nuclei in the midbrain

b. follow the inferior division of oculomotor after the later bifurcate in the 
    cavernous sinus

c. in the orbit, are found in the branch that supply the inferior oblique muscle 

d. they synapse in the ciliary ganglion

e. they are transmitted via the short ciliary nerve to the iris sphincter

2. Structures derived from the second pharyngeal arch include:
a. the incus 

b. maxillary artery

c. stylohyoid ligament

d. stylohyoid muscle

e. posterior third of the tongue

3. The sphenoid bone transmits the following structures:

a. middle meningeal artery

b. mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve

c. optic nerve

d. internal carotid artery

e. nasociliary artery

4. The embryonic origin of the following are true:

a. lacrimal gland from the surface ectoderm

b. lens from the mesoderm

c. nonpigmented ciliary epithelium from neuroectoderm

d. the anterior pituitary gland from the ectoderm

e. the posterior pituitary gland from the mesoderm


5. The following are true:
a. foramen ovale transmits the mandibular nerve

b. pterygotympanic fissure transmits the chorda tympani

c. foramen spinosum transmits the middle meningeal artery.

d. jugular foramen transmit the vagus nerve

e. stylomastoid foramen transmit the facial nerve


6. The basilar artery:
a. enters the cranium through the foramen magnum

b. is formed by the union of two vertebral artery

c. supplies the lateral and third ventricles

d. supplies the vermis through its superior cerebellar branch

e. supplies the motor cortex

7. The following are true about the pituitary gland:

a. the posterior lobe receives efferent fibres from the supra-opticohypophyseal 

b. it is situated below the optic chiasma

c. a portal system exists between the posterior pituitary gland and the 

d. the posterior lobe secretion affects thyroid hormone secretion

e. it is drained by the cavernous sinus

8. The oculomotor nerve:

a. divides into the superior and inferior division near the superior orbital fissure

b. before entering the orbit, lies above and then medial to the trochlear nerve 
    within the cavernous sinus

c. lies between the posterior cerebral artery and the superior cerebellar artery in 
    the the posterior fossa

d. has its nucleus in the pons

e. causes Adie's pupil if the parasympathetic pathway is damage

9. The maxillary artery:

a. terminates in the pterygopalatine fossa

b. supplies the lateral wall of the nose

c. gives off meningeal arteries

d. supplies the muscle of mastication

e. lies between the sphenomandibular ligament and the mandible


10. The thyroid gland:
a. develops from the second and third pharyngeal arches

b. contains cells derived from the fourth pharyngeal pouches

c. is supplied mainly by the middle thyroid artery

d. is covered by the pretracheal fascia

e. has the recurrent laryngeal nerve ascending anteriorly


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