Test 68      (head and neck anatomy)
(only the answers are provided, for detailed explanation please consult standard anatomy textbook such as Snell's Clinical Antomy.)
1. The spinal part of the accessory nerve:
a. emerges from the spinal medulla (spinal cord) posterior 
    to the anterior roots of cervical nerves
b. enters the skull through the jugular foramen
c. supplies sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
d. is embedded in the fascia of the roof of the posterior 
e. is usually derived form the upper 5 or 6 cervical 

2. The scalenus medius muscle:

a. is attached to the scalene tubercle
b. usually has an attachment to the second rib
c. lies posterior to the subclavian artery
d. is posterior to the roots of the brachial plexus
e. is used in deep respiration

3. The mylohyoid muscle:

a. unites its fellow of the opposite side
b. lies superior to the sublingual salivary gland
c. has a branch of the lingual artery above it and a branch 
    of the facial artery below it
d. contracts when swallowing
e. is derived from the second branchial arch

4. The (palatine) tonsil:

a. has the superior constrictor as a lateral relation
b. has paratonsillar vein as a medial relation
c. has mucous membrane on its oral surface supplied by 
    glossopharyngeal nerve
d. lies between the palatoglossal and lateral 
    glossoepiglottic folds
e. develops from the second branchial arch

5. The external carotid artery:

a. arises at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra
b. is crossed laterally by the hypoglossal nerve
c. is superficial to the glossopharyngeal nerve
d. passes deep to the stylopharyngeus
e. passes deep to the posterior belly of the digastric

6. The chorda tympani carries:

a. fibres of taste sensation  from the posterior one third of 
    the tongue
b. fibres of ordinary sensation for the anterior two thirds 
    of the tongue
c. fibres of ordinary sensation from the lower gum
d. parasympathetic fibres from the submandibular gland
e. sensory fibres that have their cell bodies in the trigeminal


7. The inferior constrictor muscle of the pharynx:
a. receives its motor innervation from the nucleus 
b. is a medial relation of the lateral lobe of the thyroid 
c. is pierced by the internal laryngeal nerve
d. has the recurrent laryngeal nerve passing deep to its 
    lower border
e. has an origin from a ligament overlying the cricothyroid 

8. The following structures lie deep to hypoglossus:

a. the hypoglossal nerve
b. the stylohyoid ligament
c the facial artery
d. the glossopharyngeal nerve
e. the submandibular duct

9. The intrinsic muscles of the tongue:

a. are all derived from the branchial arch musculature
b. are all supplied by the hypoglossal nerve
c. alter the shape of the tongue
d. are attached to various bones
e. receive part of their blood supply from the maxillary 


10. The greater petrosal nerve:
a. passes below the trigeminal ganglion
b. enters the foramen lacerum
c. is a branch of the facial nerve
d. carries taste fibres from the palate
e. carries parasympathetic fibres for the lacrimal gland


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