Test 66     (head and neck anatomy)
(only the answers are provided, for detailed explanation please consult standard anatomy textbook such as Snell's Clinical Antomy.)
1. While probing the auditory (Eustachian) tube an ENT surgeon 
     passes through the wall of the tube. The probe would 
     immediately pierce:
a. levator palati muscle
b. superior constrictor of pharynx
c. tensor palati muscle 
d. internal carotid artery
e. internal jugular vein

2. Concerning the paranasal sinuses:
a. the lymphatic drainage of the frontal sinus is to 
    preauricular nodes
b. all  the sinuses are lines with respiratory mucous 
c. the cavernous sinus is a lateral relation of the 
    sphenoidal sinus
d. all the sinuses are present at birth
e. the blood supply of the frontal sinus is mainly from 
    the facial artery

3. The following normally drain into the middle meatus of the nose:

a. frontal sinus
b. maxillary sinus
c. posterior ethmoidal air cells
d. middle ethmoidal air cells
e. nasolacrimal duct

4. The ethmoid bone is part of the :

a. medial wall of the orbit
b. medial wall of the maxillary sinus
c. anterior cranial fossa
d. septum of the nose
e. lacrimal fossa

5. The cavernous sinus:

a. contains the internal carotid artery
b. has the abducent nerve in its lateral wall 
c. receives blood from the orbit
d. communicates with the pterygoid plexus of veins. 
e. drains via the petrosal sinuses.

6. Facial paralysis is caused by injuries or  lesions at:

a. cerebellopontine angle
b. internal acoustic meatus
c. floor of fourth fourth ventricle
d. internal capsule
e. tympanic membrane

7. Branches of the following nerves supply muscles attached to the 

a. facial nerve
b. hypoglossal nerve
c. posterior division of mandibular nerve
d. anterior ramus of first cervical nerve
e. vagus

8. The following are directly related to the mandible:

a. facial artery
b. marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
c. lingual nerve
d. lingual artery
e. auriculotemporal nerve


9. Damage to the 12th cranial nerve in the hypoglossal canal causes:
a. atrophy of the same side of the tongue
b. deviation of the tongue to the same side on 
c. impaired closure of the oropharyngeal isthmus
d. impaired depression fo the hyoid bone
e. paralysis of the extrinsic, but not the intrinsic muscles 
    of the same side of the tongue


10. The tongue:
a. has the geniohyoid muscle on either side of a midline
    fibrous septum
b. develops partly from the third brachial arch
c. has the upper end of the thyroidal development 
    track between the first and third brachial arch 
d. has vallate papillae anterior to the sulcus terminalis
e. has taste sensation from the vallate papillae conveyed 
    by the chorda tympani


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