Test 206 (Ocular pharmacology)
1. The following are true about latanoprost:
a. it is a prostaglandin F2a analogue

b. it causes conjunctival hyperaemia

c. it causes a break down of the blood ocular barrier

d. it causes miosis

e. it increases the aqueous outflow through the trabecular 


2. The following anti-epileptic drugs can cause visual field defect:
a. carbamazepine

b. phenytoin

c. sodium valporate

d. vigabatrin

e. topiramate

3. Timolol:
a. has a duration of action of between 12 to 24 hours

b. is excreted unchanged by the kidney

c. reduces intraocular pressure because it is b2 selective

d.  can cause dry eyes

e. should not be used concurrently as latanoprost

. 4. The effects of muscarinic agonists include:
a. accommodation

b. increases depth of focus

c. mydriasis

d. decreases uveoscleral outflow

e. myopic shift

5. With regard to local anaesthetics:
a. they are either aminoamides or aminoesters

b. they are all removed by hepatic enzymatic degradation

c. the potency of a local anaesthetic can be increased by 
    making the molecule more hydrophilic

d. the action of a local anaesthetic can be prolonged by a
    concurrent use of adrenaline

e. they cause sensory but not motor paralysis

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