Past Part 1 MRCOphth: 16 (Paper 2 of MRCS 24th April 2005)
1. Wound Healing: affected by ?steroid?nerve supply? blood supply? present of foreign body?

2. Acute inflammation: Vasodilated? histamine? leakage of plasma cells? neutrophils? Macrophages?

3. Granulomata: Characteristic of inflammation?sarcoidosis? epitheloid cells?

4. Acute inflammation:


6. Macrophages:

7. Nerve: complete section of the nerve,? loss of distal axon,? stump formation at proximal end?

8. Anaphylaxis,

9. Neoplasia, definitions, different with dysplasia, metaplasia etc.

10. Benign tumour: metastasis? causing death? showing
mitosis? cells more organized?

11. UV light: cause cancer in ? melanoma? Basal cell carcinoma? squamous cell ???skin tumor?

12. Arteriosclerosis: aetiology factor? platelet derive grwoth factor? endothelial damage? intimal hyperplasia? lipid farmation? calcification?

13. Arteriosclerosis:

14: Myocardial infart:

15. Anaphylaxis: 

16. nerve damage:

17. corneal ulcer: commonly cause by? S. aureus? streph pneumonia? Chlamydia? Pseudomonas? 

18. Staph general:

19. Staph aureus:

20. MRSA: more commonly causing deep sitted disease? colony in asymptomatic carrier? kill by normal penicillin? response to vancomycin?

21. clostridia.

22. Cell wall inhibitors: Antibiotic..

23. Fucidic acid: well concentrated in bone? give in pregnancy? broad spectrum?

24. Antibiotic:

25. Exotoxins:

26. BCG: give to tuberculin sensitive patients? neonate? kill vaccine? type 1 H reaction?

27. Viruses: Gram positive?

28. trachoma:

29. EBV:

30. Acyclovir: cause inferior fonix punctate keratopathy? stay in tear after drops?

31. HIV:

32. CMV:

33. Candidiasis: found in mouth and gut? 

34. acantomeboe: contact lens fluids? trauma patients?

35. Acute Inflammation:

36. Immunopathology:

37: Tetanus paired sera: 

38: tuberculin hypersensitivity:

39. Acute hay fever:

40. Anaphylaxis:

41. T lymphocytes:

42. Immunosuppression:

43. Organ transplant

44. Corneal drug penetration?

45. Cytopentolate: ( this is exactly same Q taken out
from your BOOKS!! thanks)

46. Beta- blokers:

47. Acetazolamide:

48. Pilocarpine:

49. NSAIDs:

50. ocular Prostaglandin: inhibit mydriasis during operation?

51. Steroid

52. steroid:

53. Azatripine:

54. Local Anaes.

55. General Anaes.

56. ???

57. Bacteria Endophthalmitis:

58. Autoclaves:

59. Suture materials.

60. Black 6/0 silk for: eyelids suture? absorb in 3 months? use in strabismus surgery? pontential cause of tissue reaction?

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