Test 120  (Pathology)
1. In sympathetic ophthalmia: 
a. there is bilateral granulomatous inflammation involving 
    the uvea

b. there is thickening of the uvea

c. Dalen-Fuchs nodules occur at the interface between
    the retina and the retinal pigment epithelium

d. the posterior ciliary artery nerve is involved

e. the choriocapillaris is infiltrated by macrophages

2. In giant cell arteritis:
a. multinucleate giant cells are found in the internal 
    elastic lamina

b. steroid treatment always prevent loss of vision to 
    the contralateral eye

c. a raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not 
    essential for diagnosis

d. anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy results from
    occlusion of the central retinal artery

e. occlusion of the branch retinal artery is a feature 

3. With regard to retinoblastoma:
a. the incidence is about 1 : 30,000 liver births

b. death is usually caused by early lymphatic spread

c. calcification is a common features

d. widespread necrosis of the tumour is common

e. Flexner-Wintersteiner's rosette indicates attempted
    photoreceptor differentiation

4. Down's syndrome is associated with:
a. anterior lenticonus

b. myopia

c. keratoconus 

d. glaucoma

e. blepharitis

5. The effect of ionizing radiation include:

a. endarteritis

b. epiphora

c. retinal telangiectasia

d. secondary malignant tumour

e. cataract

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