........................ A new record for SHO applications to our rotation. 161 CVs for 1 (possibly 2) posts. 
99 Had Part 1 or more. How does one cut it further? Probably half would do the job well, perhaps a quarter would be excellent. How did I decide in the end? 
I shorlisted those who I thought would be able to get an SPR post in 2 years time, those that had done something exceptional, such as a peer reviewed publication after only one year in a DGH. There were a surprising number of these. some excelled in other ways. 
Incidentally over half the shortlisted candidates trained overseas and there was only one caucasian shortlisted by me. On the whole British qualified candidates were better at presenting a CV, but fancy paper doesnt make up for lack of content.

- college tutor? July 20, 2004 at 01:31:19

Competition is fierce and just about all of the applicants profess to love the speciality. Using this as a criteria would not shorten my list much. 
I used getting publications at a DGH as an example of someone who is doing more than the minimum. I shortlisted others who had produced excellent audits, with meaningful discussion of results, and certain others exceptional in other ways. I give greater weight to people who have done these things in difficult circumstances. 
I try to apply criteria that are objective when shortlisting, to shortlist someone who I like the sound of on the CV but behind another in terms of achievement would be both unfair and illegal. 
Your remark that about crap consultants, does not match my experience. I was an angry young man struggling for interviews only a decade ago, when the situation was little differrent. I have grown up a bit now and realise that these consultants were much better doctors than I gave them credit for. I hope that you gain some wisdom as you age.

-college tutor

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