........................ I am interested to know what are my chances of getting an SpR number if I have never worked in a teaching hosp, all DGH? Does anyone know any SpRs who made it this route. I can only think of 1:-( . I have 3 publications, and am working on a few more. If there is no chance of me getting a number, what are my chances of getting a LAT? And what is a LAS?  Any advice would be most appreciated.

- Kate June 26, 2004 at 23:15:43 

It is always difficult to get a job as SpR without being in a teaching hospital. But this is not the end of the world, there are two routes to getting a numbered SpR post: 
a. Apply for any SpR job and if lucky you may get it but more likely like most SHO (including SHO from teaching hopsital) you may get a LAT job if your CV and reference are good. While working as LAT (if given choices ask to be in a teaching unit)establish yourself as reliable and hard-working. Get more publication (esp study rather than just case report there may be some studies ongoing in the unit), do audits for consultants(most consultants and junior doctors hate audit) and prove that you are competent with surgery especially phaco. Getting on with nurses will help, volunteer to do small works for consultants like coming in on Saturday or Sundary morning to discharge patients will win you bonus. Hopefully when the number job come up you will get it in the same unit or other with backing from your consultants. 
b. Take a year or more off to do research in a well known centre. Only if you were interested. 
Good luck.


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